Information published on the website belonging to CONSTRUCCIONES FERROVIARIAS DE MADRID. S.L. CIF: B84509223 (hereinafter COFEMA), registered in the Mercantile Register of Madrid.


Registered Office: C/ Saturno, 2, 28936 Móstoles (MADRID).


E-mail address:


  1. COFEMA has published this website to provide potential visitors with access to information about its products and services, as well as general information related to its sector of activity. It makes available to its users in the respective sections of this website.


  1. Accuracy of the information.

COFEMA makes every effort to ensure that the information published on its website is accurate and updated. However, it rejects any liability for the consequences of an incorrect reading or interpretation of the same.

  1. Liability:

COFEMA shall not be liable for any damage or harm suffered by the user that may arise from access to this website or the use of its contents.

  1. Links to third parties

COFEMA website includes links to websites belong or manage by third parties in order to help to the access to information available on internet.

COFEMA does not assume any liability regarding links before mentioned. These are exclusively addressed to inform you. Otherwise, these links do not mean Support, agree, contractual relationship between COFEMA and third parties such as subject, company responsible for contents or owner of those website

  1. Intellectual and industrial property

The website domain  belongs to CONSTRUCCIONES FERROVIARIAS DE MADRID. S.L. (COFEMA), Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF): B84509223.

Every elements such as Brand, design, text, links, logos, images, video, recordings, software, data base or codes includes in this website are protected by Spanish an international law related to intellectual/industrial property. These elements are exclusively owned by COFEMA.

Any performance, transmission, adaptation, translation, modification, transfer to public or any exploitation entirely or partially about this content regardless of way, Support, electronical or Mechanical are strictly prohibited/forbidden unless COFEMA previous and written consent. In case of any violation of these rights civil or criminal actions may be exercised.

COFEMA does not grant any license or authorisation for using its intellectual or industrial rights or any property related to its website, services or contents.

Any copy or reproduction regarding the information included in this website regardless of any support (website, data base or electronical publications) which allows communication to several users is strictly prohibited unless the previous and written consent granted by COFEMA.

  1. Jurisdiction

In case of any dispute related to the access or usage of this website CONSTRUCCIONES FERROVIARIAS DE MADRID. S.L. (COFEMA) and user expressively waived to any jurisdiction and accept Spanish legal jurisdiction

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